This blog post is written from the point of view of Alex as “Dad,” as immortalized in a photo from Halloween years ago.
Hello sport,
This is your father writing. Remember me? Man who bred and raised you. I’d hope you do! (haha!) Wanted to send along the photo up above. Do you still have that mustache? Your mother still has that sombrero! Happy times. Good memories.
It’s been a while, of course, since you up and left your mother and I (please call her – she worries!) to move out to the big city. We know you’re busy with your yogas and all of that, but we’re anxious to see you. So it’s time for a visit, and it’s time for Father’s Day, June 16 – right around the corner! You and me and your dear old mother are going to take some fun tours of Chicago! Your pop’s got a whole list of them ready to go!
#1. Annual Jazz, Blues, and Beyond on June 10th
In some ways, I blame myself. I must have sung “Sweet Home Chicago” to you a million times. It implanted this city in your brain. Actually, second thought, I don’t blame myself – I blame Jim Belushi! It’s his fault that you moved to Chicago and it’s Ringo Starr’s fault that your older brother ran off to join Beatlemania. To be honest, when I look at the photo above, the signs were already there regarding him and the Beatles. But we can heal together by going on the Jazz, Blues, and Beyond Bus Tour that Chicago Detours offers annually.
You get on a bus and visit old clubs, learn about SWEET HOME Chicago music history, and even get a blues harmonica lesson on the bus. And you know how your old Dad loves that Chicago architecture! Looks like the tour goes to Uptown and Bronzeville – both neighborhoods that I’ve never seen before.
This is at 10:30am on Saturday, June 10th, and apparently they only offer in once a year. WHICH MEANS YOU, MY SON, WILL HAVE TO WAKE UP EARLY FOR ONCE – HAHA!
#2. 1893 World’s Fair Tour with Bars
Scamp, this 1893 World’s Fair Tour with Bars should be a real treat. Your mother, bless her soul, has always been fascinated with the past. She says life was better back then. Always telling me that she wishes she’d raised all of you with only 19th century technology. Says she’ll do it that way with her grandkids SOMEDAY (hint hint – haha).
By the way, how’s it going on all that? Any kids yet? We’re waiting. If you don’t want to tell me now, then your mother can ask before the tour.
Speaking of! I think this is one of those fun tours that’ll let your poor mother live in the past for a few hours. She’ll get to visit spectacular buildings from the Gilded Age and discover how the World’s Columbian Exposition changed the whole dang country. The human-operated elevator will thrill her.
Plus, the two of us will get to share some drinks. Knocking back some cold ones with my son! Love it. Looking forward to it. We can do 5:45 next Wednesday, 1pm next Friday, or 4:30pm these next two Saturdays. Maybe we’ll take all of them. That will please Mother, I think. Or if we miss one of these times, then gift cards don’t hurt either!
#3. Loop Interior Architecture Walking Tour
Sadly, m’boy, our weekend visit will have to end on Father’s Day itself. We’ll have to race home that evening. Your mother needs her beauty rest. In fact, since you left, she will frequently sleep for days at a time. Don’t ask – it’ll worry her to know that you’re worried about her.
But before we go, let’s all go on this Loop Interior Architecture Walking Tour together, hey? It’s mostly indoors, which will be good for my hair on a hot, humid Father’s Day weekend. (ha!) No joke, though, your poor old dad’s gone bald since you last saw him, son.
In all seriousness, we’ll stay almost entirely indoors on this 2-hour tour. Seems we get to explore hidden highlights like a church inside a skyscraper (glad to know we’ll be in church on a Sunday) and the mysterious underground Pedway tunnels. Nice and cool down there, I hear! The reviews for this tour are great and it runs at 1:30pm on Father’s Day, which is Sunday, June 18th. It oughta be a great cap to our visit.
Ah, any and all of these tours would make for a spectacular Father’s Day gift this year.
Looking forward to seeing you! Save some pizza for me!
Your Dad